My Freshman Portfolio

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My Freshman Portfolio by Mind Map: My Freshman Portfolio

1. Personal

2. Physical Education

2.1. Assignment: Remember The Titans movie reflection

2.2. Reflection

2.3. Standard: improving football and social skills

2.4. SWLO's: work ethic

3. Science

3.1. Project: Astronomy

3.2. Reflection

3.3. Standard 1: Principals of Earth and Science: 1.1, 1.3

3.4. SWLO's: Content

4. Art

4.1. Project: Ceramics

4.2. Reflection

4.3. Standard: Recurring Standard number 7

4.4. SWLO's: critical thinking

5. Data Analysis

6. World Culture

6.1. Project: Belief Systems Calendar

6.1.1. Showing Growth in Projects Project: Oppression Webpage Reflection: Standards: WH.5.2, WH.9.5, 9-10WH.8 SWLO's: technology links (webpage) links (website) links (essay)

6.2. Reflection

6.3. Standards: WH.9.1. , WH.9.5.

6.4. SWLO's: technology, communication

7. English Language Arts

7.1. Project: Write for me- Read to me

7.2. Reflection

7.3. Standards: 10.4.1, 10.4.2

7.4. SWLO's: Collaboration

8. Algebra 1

8.1. Project: Mathematical Dictionary

8.2. Reflection

8.3. Standards: C.1.a, C.1.b

8.4. SWLO's: citizenship

9. Introduction!

10. Conclusion