Personal Development

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Personal Development by Mind Map: Personal Development

1. 2. Developing the Whole Person

1.1. Experiences - experiences that shaped you and help you to develop yourself

1.2. Wholeness - Integral sense of integration

1.3. Transcendental goal - superior goal

1.4. Lifelong pursuit - lifelong learning or activity

1.5. Different aspects of individual are in harmony or balanced

1.6. Self-esteem - Self confidence

1.7. Self-actualization - ability to become the best version of yourself

1.8. Management of emotions - Enable to learn how to manage your emotions well

1.9. Decisions - Reflect right or good actions

1.10. Abilities - Developing your abilities

1.11. Skills - Developing your skills

1.12. Character - Developing your character

1.13. Development - Developing the different aspects of yourself

1.14. Balanced living - Your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors should work together

1.15. Socialization - Process of learning through socializing

2. 1. Knowing Oneself

2.1. Favorites - Your favorite colors, foods, hobbies etc.

2.2. Desires and interests - what are your desires and things that you are interested to.

2.3. Introspection or Self-analysis - examine your own thoughts or feelings

2.4. Self-reflection - Ask or assess yourself

2.5. Experiences - positive and negative experiences that shaped you

2.6. Attitude or Character - A person's behavior or personality

2.7. Self-disclosure - Communicating to other person that tells information about yourself

2.8. Goals and Dreams - your goals and dreams you want to achieve

2.9. Changes - Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Changes that you have experienced

2.10. Memories - Good and bad memories that you have experienced that shaped you

2.11. Personal Healing - Process of self-healing

2.12. Soothing Hurts - Ways to Help Heal Hurts at Different Stages of One’s Life

2.13. Personal Growth - Development or improvement about yourself

2.14. Self-affirmation - Thinking positively

2.15. Self-awareness - Understanding more about yourself

3. 3. Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

3.1. Developmental transition from childhood to adulthood

3.2. Physiological Changes - Deals with all physical changes

3.3. Psycho-social Changes - Deals with how you interact with other people

3.4. Cognitive Changes - Deals with how the way you think

3.5. Emotional and Social Changes - Deals with the way on how you feel on everything

3.6. Moral and Spiritual Changes - Deals with the way that you should act

3.7. Preparation for adulthood

3.8. Puberty - Process of physical changes that a teenager will experience

3.9. Social Awareness - Ability to understand more about the society

3.10. Autonomy - Person's ability to act on his or her own values and interests

3.11. Body image - Self consciousness about one's body image

3.12. Peer group - Development on how you deal with other people that has the same age or interests as yours

3.13. Identity Development - Process of development on understanding your own identity

3.14. Relationships - Deals with your relationship to other people

3.15. Sexuality - Process of development of a person's sexual orientation or preferences

3.16. Maturity - Process of being mature

4. 6. The Powers of the Mind

4.1. Functions of the Brain - The hemispheres of the brain has different functions

4.2. Hemispheres - The left and right part of the brain

4.3. Left Brain - Deals with analytical thoughts

4.4. Verbal and Analytical

4.5. Logical - Deals with reasonings and arguments

4.6. Judging - Conclusion and decision

4.7. Evaluating - process of evaluating something either mathematical or in text

4.8. Sequential - Person with left dominant brain is said to be more sequential

4.9. Right Brain - More visual and creative

4.10. Non-Verbal and Intuitive

4.11. Visual - Deals with images, pictures and other type of visuals

4.12. Creative - Person with right dominant brain is said to be more creative

4.13. Idea-generating - process of creating visual concepts

4.14. Simultaneous - process of organizing something simultaneously

5. 5. Coping with Stress

5.1. Treat or Challenge - Dealing with something that challenge you that causes stress

5.2. Harness the anxiety

5.3. Eustress - Stress that are beneficial for individual

5.4. Distress - Negative form of stress

5.5. Happy Stress - Stress that we feel when we are excited and no sign of fear

5.6. Negative Experiences - Experiences that causes your stress

5.7. Positive Experiences - Experiences that can help you cope with stress

5.8. Mental or Emotional Strain - Negative impacts cause by stress

5.9. Exercise and eat regularly

5.10. Avoid excess caffeine

5.11. Avoid illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco

5.12. Take a break from stressful situations

5.13. Decrease negative self-talk

5.14. Learn relaxation exercises

5.15. Learn practical coping skills

6. 7. Mental Health and Well-being

6.1. Ability to achieve self-determination

6.2. Productivity - Process of being productive

6.3. Having a healthy mind

6.4. Confront and analyze life realities

6.5. Weaknesses and Strengths - Know your weaknesses and strengths to have more healthy mental health

6.6. State of a well-being - State of being healthy and happy

6.7. Enhancing social skills - Enhance your social skills by socializing and interacting more with others

6.8. Enhancing problem-solving skills

6.9. Enhancing self-confidence

6.10. Support system - To have a mental healthy mind you should have a good support system such as family, friends etc.

6.11. Mental health problems - Mental disorder that affects your thinking, feeling, mood and behavior

6.12. Depression - Mood disorder that mostly affects your mental health

6.13. Eating disorders - Unmanaged mental health problems can cause bad and poor eating habits

6.14. Substance abuse - People think that it is the solution to escape problems but it is not.

7. 4. The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

7.1. Life is a never-ending process of trial and error

7.2. Unmanaged Challenges or Problems

7.3. Tools to harness patience - Improving your patience

7.4. Practice good judgment

7.5. Biopsychosocial Approach - Interconnection between biology, psychology and social factors

7.6. Substance Abuse - Abusive way of using or taking substances

7.7. Juvenile Delinquency - Committing crimes or doing illegal activities

7.8. Depression and Suicide - Having a feeling of worthlessness that can lead on having suicidal thoughts

7.9. Anxiety - Your body's response due to stress

7.10. Eating Disorder - Abnormal eating habits that will affect person's physical and mental health

7.11. Physical Health Problems - Probably cause by eating disorder

7.12. Socio-emotional Development Challenges - Challenge that deals with person's experiences and emotions

7.13. Peer Pressure - Influencing someone to follow or change their behavior or values

7.14. Enormous Expectations from family or friends