Jay Abraham's 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business From Tom Ferry

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Jay Abraham's 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business From Tom Ferry by Mind Map: Jay Abraham's  6 Strategies to Grow Your Business  From  Tom Ferry

1. 1- Increase the number of clients

1.1. video

1.1.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

2. 2- Increase the transaction value

2.1. video

2.1.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

3. 3- Increase the frequency

3.1. Life time Value

3.2. video

3.2.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

4. 4- Penetrate to a new market every 12 to 18 months

4.1. video

4.1.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

5. 5- Every 12 to 18 months introduce a new product or a service to your existing client base

5.1. video

5.1.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

6. 6- Buying, purchasing or merging one of your competitors business every 12 to 18 months

6.1. video

6.1.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

7. Video

7.1. 6 Strategies to Grow Your Business | #TBT

8. Tom Ferry

8.1. Tom Ferry

8.2. Tom Ferry