Writing on Medium The First 100 Hours

Learn the skill of Writing on Medium in 100 hours

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Writing on Medium The First 100 Hours by Mind Map: Writing on Medium The First 100 Hours

1. Prepare

1.1. Don't spend more than a total of 10 hours on preparations

1.2. Look at the expectations list from above. See where you're lacking the most.

1.3. See where you're lacking the most and refer to the skill tree at the top for resources on how to get better at it.

1.4. Follow one or two courses from the list

1.5. Spend more time reading articles both from your favourite writers and from top writers

1.6. Re-read this article and analyze it into greater detail.

1.7. Check these courses out

1.8. If you'd rather spend more time writing, that's completely fine too at this stage.

2. Practice

2.1. Write your first 100 articles as fast you can as this is the best way you're going to get better

2.2. Your goal for the next 75-85 hours is to crank out articles.

2.3. Focus on quantity AND quality.

2.3.1. Failing to do both, at this stage, your better option is to write in higher quantity.

2.4. Make writing a habit

2.4.1. As long as you make it a habit to write every day, you should be able to reach your first 100 hours with a year or less.

2.5. The slower you go, the better

2.5.1. You'll have more time to reflect on your journey

2.6. Experiment with different topic ideas

2.7. Try to reach "top writer" status in a few tags.

2.7.1. It's not as hard as it seems, especially if you choose tags that are not overly popular.

2.8. Try to make a name for yourself

2.8.1. Participate in different groups

2.8.2. Leave private notes

2.8.3. Comment on articles

2.8.4. Make sure people see your name so that when it shows up on the home screen, they'll want to click on your article

3. Ponder

3.1. Weekly and monthly, ponder on the usual questions:

3.1.1. What went right?

3.1.2. What went wrong?

3.1.3. How can I improve?

3.2. At the end of your first 100 hours, ask yourself:

3.2.1. What lessons did I learn?

3.2.2. What sub-skills do I need to spend more time improving?

3.2.3. What do I want to do going forward? Continue? Stop?

3.2.4. How can I use what I've learned in my life and day job?

3.2.5. Where else could I use these skills?

3.2.6. What actions can I take to improve where I've failed?

3.2.7. When am I going to do those actions? (Schedule them)

4. Expectations

4.1. Become better at everything you learned from the first 15 hours

4.2. Increase your vocabulary

4.3. Improve your syntax

4.4. Conjugate verbs better

4.5. Know all about the built-in social features

4.6. Improve your headlining abilities

4.7. Get better at finding the right images for your stories

4.8. Improve your editing skills

4.9. Get faster at writing good articles