Online Creation Tools, Platforms and Applications


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Online Creation Tools, Platforms and Applications by Mind Map: Online Creation Tools, Platforms and Applications

1. Cloud Computing

1.1. you can store and acess your files/data anytime and anywhere with the acess of an internet.

1.1.1. Advantages 1. Back-up and restore data 2. Unlimited storage capacity

1.1.2. Disadvantages 1. May not get all features 2. No longer in control

2. File Management

2.1. allows you to sort, convert, and manage files without downloading the software tool.

2.1.1. Advantages 1.Reduce storage space 2.Better back-up and disaster recoveries

2.1.2. Disadvantages 1. Takes longer time to download 2. Give bad user experience

3. Mapping

3.1. allows you to navigate places in real-time.

3.1.1. Advantages 1.Promotes visual accuracy 2.You can see the world at one time

3.1.2. Disadvantages 1. Maps have distortion 2. Gives poor idea of distances


5. Presentation/Visualization

5.1. allow you to present and share presentations, infographics and videos.

5.1.1. Advantages 1. Provides clear information 2.Present data in a concrete way

5.1.2. Disadvantages 1.Lack of assistance 2. Gives estimation not accuracy.

6. Webpage Creation

6.1. allow you to create website commonly encompasses WYSIWYG programs.

6.1.1. Advantages 1. Consumer convenience 2. Around the clock availability

6.1.2. Disadvantages 1. Takes longer time to download 2. Give bad user experience

7. Social Media

7.1. enables you to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated contents.

7.1.1. Advantages 1. Helps build your brand 2.Faster and easier communication

7.1.2. Disadvantages 1. No longer incontrol 2. May not get all features