physical features of India

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physical features of India por Mind Map: physical features of India

1. peninsular plateau

2. Indian desert

3. Coastal Plains

4. The Western Coast

5. The Gujarat Coast

6. The Eastern Coast

7. The Western Ghats

8. The Eastern Ghats

9. central highlands

10. Chhota Nagpur plateau

11. Mikr hills

12. Deccan plateau

13. Konkas

14. Kannad plains

15. Malabar Coast

16. Northern Circar

17. Coramandal Coast

18. The great Himalayan mountains

19. Northern plains

20. Islands

21. Andaman and Nicobar

22. Lakshadweep

23. Punjab plains

24. Ganga plains

25. Brahmaputra plains

26. Trans Himalaya

27. Greater Himalaya

28. Lesser Himalaya

29. The Shiwaliks