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Freshman Portfolio by Mind Map: Freshman Portfolio

1. Personal Page

1.1. LINK!!!!!

2. Core Standard 6

2.1. SWLO - Work Ethic/Content

3. Core Standard 7

3.1. SWLO - Content/ Technology

4. Core Standard 8

5. Assessment Data

6. Essay 2: The Study of Oppression

7. Introductory

8. Conclusion

9. Core Standard 2

9.1. SWLO - Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creative Problem Solving, Technology, Work Ethic, Content

10. Core Standard 3

10.1. SWLO - Work Ethic, Citizenship

11. Core Standard 5

11.1. SWLO - Work Ethic/Content/Collaboration

12. Core Standard 4

12.1. SWLO - Content/Work Ethic

12.2. Power Point

13. Essay 1: Belief System

14. Core Standard 1

14.1. SWLO - Content