General Biology
by Jann Kenneth Lawan Gavino

1. What is biology
1.1. the study of life
1.1.1. methods of biology
1.1.2. nature of biology
2. Protists
2.1. The world of protists
2.2. Algae: Plantlike protists
2.3. Slime molds, Water molds, and downy mildews
3. A view of the cell
3.1. the discovery of cells
3.2. the plasma membrane
3.3. Eukaryotic cell structure
4. DNA
4.1. About DNA
4.2. From DNA to protein
4.2.1. RNA
4.2.2. mRNA
4.2.3. genes and proteins
4.3. Genetic changes
5. Cellular transport and the cell cycle
5.1. cellular transport
5.2. cell growth and reproduction
5.3. control of the cell cycle
6. Plants
6.1. What is plant?
6.1.1. Adapting to life on land
6.1.2. Survey of the plant kingdom
6.2. The diversity of plants
6.2.1. Non vascular plants
6.2.2. non seed vascular plants
6.2.3. seed plants
6.3. Plant structure and function
6.3.1. Plant cells and tissues
6.3.2. roots, stems, and leaves
6.3.3. plant responses
6.4. Reproduction in plants
6.4.1. Life cycles of mosses, ferns, and conifers
6.4.2. Flowers and flowering
6.4.3. the life cycle of a flowering palnt