Product linked incentive schemes (PLI)
by kunal gajbhiye

1. What is it
1.1. Scheme brought out by government of India
1.1.1. To boost domestic manufacturing
1.1.2. The scheme gives incentives on incremental sales, from product manufacturing in domestic units.
2. aim of the PLI scheme?
2.1. to boost domestic manufacturing in India
2.1.1. by encouraging local companies to set up or expand manufacturing in India.
3. likely benefit of this scheme?
3.1. cut down huge import bills
3.2. create employment opportunities
4. Why this scheme was needed?
4.1. Government can’t keep making investments in capital intensive sectors as returns take a lot of time
4.1.1. Instead if the government can invite global companies who have the necessary capital to invest in India,the results can be better.
5. Which sectors are covered under the scheme?
5.1. Mobile and allied equipment
5.2. Pharmaceutical and medical devices manufacturing
5.3. 10 more sectors to be included
6. What are the incentives offered under the scheme?
6.1. For mobile and electronic equipment manufacturing an incentive of 4-6% is planned
6.1.1. for electronic companies which manufacture mobile phones and other electronic components Such as transistors Diodes Resistors capacitors