1. Expectations
1.1. Do successful Think Days and Self-reflection weeks
1.2. Find your life purpose
1.3. Get started on a mindfulness practice through Yoga and Meditation
1.4. Get better at self-feedback
1.5. Get better at receiving feedback from others
2. Prepare
2.1. Start looking into finding your life purpose, yoga, meditation, and dig deeper into getting feedback.
2.2. Check out the skill tree
2.3. Start scheduling short sessions of yoga and meditation in your calendar
2.3.1. Schedule 3 sessions each per week to get started for a total of 1 hour during your week.
2.4. Schedule one Think Day per month.
2.4.1. If you feel a single day of reflection isn't enough, consider scheduling a self-reflection week.
2.5. This preparation phase shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours.
3. Practice
3.1. Find your why/life purpose
3.1.1. Go through 10-12 stories with a friend or someone who asks you lots of questions along the way Repeat the process by yourself during a journaling session or during Think Day
3.2. Use the 5 Whys Method
3.3. Check the resources we've included in the skill tree
3.4. Do another round of listing your skills, hobbies, passions, and talents.
3.4.1. The more aware you are of multiple aspects of your life, the easier this gets
3.5. Consider doing another round of Ikigai and the Map of Life.
3.6. Schedule one Think Day every month
3.6.1. If this is too much, you can try for a half-day
3.6.2. Refer to this article on exactly how to do a successful Think Day.
3.7. Schedule one self-reflection week
3.7.1. Refer to this article for how to do it
3.7.2. If you find that after a few journaling sessions and a few Think Days, you haven't yet found your purpose, definitely consider doing a self-reflection week.
3.8. Dip your toes into yoga and meditation
3.8.1. Check out the many good resources for both in the skill tree.
3.8.2. Practice each for 10 minutes at least 3 times a week, for a total of 1 hour per week Do more if you can
3.9. Get better at giving yourself feedback but also getting feedback from others
3.9.1. Ask people for their honest feedback about different aspects of what you do.
3.9.2. Truly listen, take notes, and not judge feedback positively or negatively.
3.9.3. Once you gather people's opinions, take time alone to reflect on what it means
4. Ponder
4.1. Reflect on the usual questions:
4.1.1. What went right?
4.1.2. What went wrong?
4.1.3. How can I improve?
4.2. Also ask yourself:
4.2.1. Have I found my why/life purpose? If not, why not? Do you know what to do next to find it?
4.2.2. Have I benefited from Think Day and a self-reflection week? Why or why not?
4.2.3. Do I understand how yoga and meditation can make me more self-aware?
4.2.4. Do I feel ready to dig deeper into yoga and meditation?
4.2.5. Have I become less judgmental of feedback? How so?
4.2.6. Do I generally feel more self-aware already? Why? Why not?