cultural differences

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cultural differences by Mind Map: cultural differences

1. cultural diversity

1.1. types

1.1.1. behaviour

1.1.2. attitude

1.1.3. gender differences

1.1.4. status

1.1.5. beliefs

1.2. tips

1.2.1. observe body language match others

1.2.2. appreciate differences

1.2.3. don't assume

1.2.4. be patient

2. Cultural Dimensions Model

2.1. power distance index

2.1.1. extent to which the less powerful members expect the power is distributed

2.2. individualism / collectivism

2.3. masculinity feminity

2.3.1. assertive and competitive

2.3.2. modest and caring

2.3.3. distribution of roles between the genders

2.4. the uncertainty avoidance index

2.4.1. how well people can cope with anxiety

2.5. long-term short-term

2.5.1. pragmatic and modest

2.5.2. religious and nationalistic

2.6. indulgence restraint