1. Expectations
1.1. Master Journaling, Think Day, and Self-improvement weeks
1.2. Be certain about your why/life purpose
1.3. Become quite good at yoga and meditation
1.4. Master self-feedback and getting honest feedback from others
2. Prepare
2.1. Schedule your journaling, yoga, and meditation sessions.
2.1.1. If you can, make them a daily habit.
2.2. Identify who you're most likely to get honest feedback from
2.2.1. Tell them about your intent and keep them in the loop regularly.
2.2.2. Think of them as an accountability buddy.
2.3. For self-feedback, start thinking about new questions
2.3.1. Find new methods to evaluate how you're doing on different aspects of life.
2.4. Know Ikigai and the Map of Life, but also know there are other ways
2.5. Try to create your own ways to evaluate yourself.
3. Practice
3.1. Journaling, yoga, and meditation should be done pretty much every day
3.1.1. Schedule one hour daily for all three
3.2. For yoga and meditation, you're going to start moving from beginner to intermediate
3.2.1. Once you've become good enough in one pose or technique, move on to a more difficult one.
3.2.2. Embrace discomfort to move forward
3.3. Check out the advanced resources for both yoga and meditation in this skill tree
3.4. Experiment with different types of yoga and meditation
3.4.1. Try Yin Yoga
3.4.2. If one kind of meditation doesn't seem to benefit you, don't shy away from trying another
3.5. If you still haven't figured out your why/life purpose, reflect at least once a week on it
3.5.1. Try to diversify the activities you do during the week
3.5.2. Experiment with new things regularly. Eventually, something will click.
3.6. Get more comfortable asking for honest feedback from others
3.6.1. Learn to ask the right questions at the right time
3.6.2. Learn to identify who's a good person to ask feedback from
3.6.3. Ask people honest feedback about something you've done poorly If their answer is positive and they don't point out the bad stuff, they're not capable of giving you honest feedback
3.6.4. Insist on giving you even the bad feedback, but don't be discouraged if they don't. Most people can't. They think they'll hurt you.
3.7. Don't be hurt by negative feedback
3.7.1. It may take a while to get comfortable with people talking negatively about your performance, but that's why you have to keep doing it over and over.
3.8. Schedule one self-reflection week every 6 months
3.8.1. Failing that, do it yearly.
3.9. Review your Ikigai at least as regularly and do your Map of Life every other month.
4. Ponder
4.1. Reflect on the usual questions:
4.1.1. What went right?
4.1.2. What went wrong?
4.1.3. How can I improve?
4.2. Also ask yourself:
4.2.1. Have I found my why/life purpose? If not, why not? Do you know what to do next to find it?
4.2.2. Have I succeeded in making journaling, yoga, and meditation a habit? Why or why not?
4.2.3. Do I generally feel more aware of my body and mind? How so?
4.2.4. Do I have the clarity to make informed decisions about my life? If not, why not?
4.2.5. Do I feel like I'm more receptive to feedback, both from myself and from others? If not, why not?
4.2.6. Have I gone further in my yoga and meditation practice? if not, why not?
4.2.7. What do I want to do next with this skill? Continue? Improve further? Stop? Why?