What in the course stands out most to you professionally in the 10 weeks?

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What in the course stands out most to you professionally in the 10 weeks? by Mind Map: What in the course stands  out most to you professionally in the 10 weeks?

1. Learning Styles refer to the idea that students learn best when course content is pitched to match students’ self-reported media preferences (i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic learners).

1.1. Metacognition is the process of "thinking about thinking," or reflecting on personal habits, knowledge, and approaches to learning. In higher education it is valued for the ways it charges and motivates students with self-regulation of their learning, and enables transference of skills and content through reflection and abstract comprehension.

1.1.1. Learning Styles refer to the idea that students learn best when course content is pitched to match students’ self-reported media preferences (i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic learners).

1.2. Students Students entering university possess years of educational experience, as well as personal stories, which research in educational psychology demonstrates can directly impact their responses to teaching and learning in class

1.3. Researchers deny that this “matching” practice works, and encourage instructors to adopt resources and strategies rooted in evidence from cognitive and adult learning theory.

2. How has your perspective on technology changed over the 10 weeks?

2.1. I previously didn't think much about technology and its role in higher education until enrolling is this course. What stood out the most to me in the readings are as follows:

2.2. Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning

2.3. Technology has created has facilitated significant progress in accommodating the needs of a broader range of students

2.4. Technology revolutionizes the delivery of education, allowing access to higher education for greater numbers of students at lower cost and with more flexibility.

3. Have you transferred this new knowledge to your place of employment?

3.1. I currently have transferred using Mind Map into my current role as a car saleswoman

3.2. I talked my sales team into using Mind Map when we finish with a customer that we cannot sale.

3.3. We write down the reasoning behind not being able to close a customer. So in our sales meetings we go over what we could have done differently