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1. Encyclopedia

1.1. Free access

1.2. Radical idea

1.3. Wikimedia Foundation

1.4. 2.000.000 articles

1.5. 1.4 billion views per month

1.6. Many languages

2. Quality Control

2.1. Software social norms

2.2. Neutrality policy.

3. Veracity

3.1. Editable

3.2. Information corrections

3.3. Contributions to improve

4. Community

4.1. Self-control

4.2. Monitor work

4.3. Democracy votes

4.4. Delete fake info

4.5. Organizational hierarchy

5. Opportunities

5.1. Digital social responsibility

5.2. Empower people

5.3. World poverty reduction

5.4. Donations

6. Costs

6.1. USD 5000 per month

7. Efficiency

7.1. Thousands of Volunteers

7.2. One software programmer

7.3. 90 servers