vocabulary related to movies

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FILMS by Mind Map: FILMS

1. people

1.1. make-up artist

1.2. stunt person

1.3. director

1.4. choreographer

1.5. actor/actress

1.6. screen writer

2. genres

2.1. westerns

2.2. spaghetti western

2.3. action

2.4. animated

2.5. cartoons

2.6. horror

2.7. romcom

2.8. epics

2.9. thrillers

2.10. classics

3. Adjectives describing films

3.1. sad

3.2. dramatic

3.3. fascinating

3.4. romantic

3.5. exciting

3.6. realistic

4. The process

4.1. writing the screenplay

4.2. building the set

4.3. making the costumes

4.4. hiring the actors

4.5. getting props

4.6. editing the film