Gender in Australia

Some resources on the history of gender in Australia

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Gender in Australia by Mind Map: Gender in Australia

1. Politics

1.1. Pre suffrage

1.2. First wave feminism

1.3. Parliamentary trailblazers

1.4. Second wave feminism

1.5. First female PM

2. Economics

2.1. Marriage and property ownership

2.2. Women doctors in WW1

2.3. Homelessness

3. Bodies

3.1. Fat activism

3.2. Regulating body odour

3.3. Genital cosmetic surgery

4. Queer culture

4.1. Queer 19th century

4.2. Lesbianism in postwar period

4.3. 1974 as turning point

4.4. LGBTI military service

5. Mental health

5.1. Masculinity, soldiers and trauma

5.2. Hysterical women

5.3. Puerperal insanity

6. Intersectionality

6.1. Aboriginal women's activism

6.2. Abortion and race

7. Family

7.1. Divorce in colonial Australia

7.2. Contraception

7.3. Maternal rights

7.4. Violence

8. Sexuality

8.1. Prostitution

8.2. Venereal disease

8.3. Harassment in universities