LECTURE 9Javascript

LECTURE 9Javascript

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LECTURE 9Javascript by Mind Map: LECTURE 9Javascript

1. Why study JavaScript?

1.1. •JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language.•JavaScript is the programming language of the Web.•JavaScript is easy to learn.

1.1.1. Variables var p1; var p2, p3;var p4 = 10;

1.1.2. Reserved! Войти в систему CanvasInstructure

2. What can JavaScript do?

2.1. Unary operators

2.1.1. ++ (increment); -- (decrement); + (unary plus) - (unary minus) ! (logical NO)

2.2. Other operators

2.2.1. comparison <; <=; >; >=

2.2.2. logical && (and); || (or)

2.2.3. conditional (If), (switch)

3. Data Types

3.1. Integers 123 Strings “text” Booleans true / false Undefined undefined/null Objects and massive Functions