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PiCNIC by Mind Map: PiCNIC

1. Games

1.1. BUbbles

1.2. Frisbee

1.2.1. out of plastic plate

1.3. Balls

2. Diversity

2.1. Chopstick

2.2. Korean Fan

2.3. Sushi roller

3. Accessories

3.1. Natural Materials

3.1.1. Rocks

3.1.2. Pine cones

3.1.3. Rice

3.2. Loose Parts

3.2.1. Marbles

3.2.2. Pompoms

3.3. Kitchen things

3.3.1. Paper plates

3.3.2. Plastic spoon and forks

3.3.3. Pan and ladles

3.3.4. Plastic food and fruits

4. Snack Activity

4.1. Alphabet Pringles

4.2. Number Matching Crackers

4.3. Color Matching Popsicles

5. Literacy

5.1. Picnic Site Map

5.2. Picnic Item Lists

5.3. Book "Just Grandma and me"

6. Environment

6.1. picnic mat

6.1.1. out of blanket

6.2. tee pee

6.2.1. made out of blanket and curtain rods

6.3. grill station

6.3.1. shoe box and cut aluminum food tray

7. Role Playing

7.1. Apron

7.2. Hats from home