Trends in language Teaching in the 21century

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Trends in language Teaching in the 21century by Mind Map: Trends in language Teaching in the 21century

1. Important trends for teaching and learning

1.1. (ICT) integration and applications have shaped how language is taught and learned.

1.2. Learning incorporate technology in the practices

1.3. Educators have to includes more inclusive practices

1.4. Teachers that build on an exemplary classroom will be highlighted

1.4.1. Practicing teachers with opportunities to participate in programs for teaching will grow.

1.5. The important trends nowadays to develop are four, critical thinking, digital literacy, collaboration, and solve-problems.

2. New Trends in Second Language Learning and Teaching through the lens of ICT

2.1. There are four areas which are driving change to second language education

2.2. Firstly, new technologies have allowed for adaptability, enabling learners to be autonomous.

2.3. Secondly, NL has showed the potential to help learning for language learning in communties

2.4. Thirdly open educational resources have modified the role of the instructor Teachers' roles in the teaching process have a strike in education because they are now the mentors of the student learning path.

2.5. Finally, Artificial intelligence has enabled how a second language to be learned and taught.

2.6. Technology helps to improve en support learning of English and any other language. New trends technologies help supply literacy such as reading writing listening and speaking.

3. Networked Learning and Artificial Intelligence

3.1. Web-based language learning activities help to learn any language in an enjoyable way and all these technologies provide tools make it easier.

3.2. Blogs are used like journals to students

3.3. Tests and Quizzes on line. They are used to assessing students’ progress.

3.4. Has empowered language learners today to connect globally, to access Open Educational Resources

3.5. Allows self-regulate their learning processes

3.6. The rising of artificial intelligence applications has led to computer-assisted language learning to branch out to intelligence CALL.

3.7. it also helped to develop new tools to enhance the learning of language and ICT, MALL and CALL.

4. New trends in 21st Century English learning.

4.1. 21st Century skills in education learning.

4.1.1. Critical thinking Interpretation and Analysis

4.1.2. Collaboration Cooperation

4.1.3. Communication Communicate using digital media

4.1.4. Creativity Innovation

4.2. 21st Century skills

4.2.1. There are 12 skills students and teachers need to develop to be well prepared for the requirements of these times in work and in life. LEARNING SKILLS INCLUDES: Creativity Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking LITERACY SKILLS It is a skill that deals with students reading and understanding the information understand whether is a blog or a document found online. MEDIA LITERACY This means understanding the sources of information an d be able to be recognize if they are reliable. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY It revolves around students understanding, how actually the task has to be published. LIFE SKILLS Flexibility Productivity Leadership Initiative Social skills