PACT ANALYSIS - PNB Punjab Nation Bank

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PACT ANALYSIS - PNB Punjab Nation Bank by Mind Map: PACT ANALYSIS - PNB Punjab Nation Bank

1. Technologies

1.1. General

1.1.1. Input the input is mostly text based. The user need to input his details and OTP he\she receives to access the banking services.

1.1.2. Output the user can be overwhelmed by the number of pop-ups. The website has huge banners promoting various services. Users that access the website through a mobile device have even more trouble as the website is not well optimized for mobile devices and can have difficulty navigating through the website

1.1.3. Communication The user should provide bank with accurate info and details to access banking services, incase any difficulties there are FAQs, toll free numbers and email ids available.

1.1.4. Context The content of the website is not feasible nor is properly placed which makes it difficult to operate. It promotes more schemes to increase its customer base instead of providing adequate directions to the user. The website is cluttered with pop ups and information that can disorient the user.

1.2. Task 1

1.2.1. Input User clicks on E-services tab, which leads to a drop down menu, where they can click on Corporate E-Banking.

1.2.2. output Output comes from the display of the device.

1.2.3. Communication If user is unable to complete the task, they will have to repeat the task all over again as immediate assistance is not availabe

1.2.4. Context Information regarding corporate internet banking is displayed.

1.3. Task 2

1.3.1. Input User clicks on products tab which leads to a drop down menu, where they can select corporate loans under the corporate category.

1.3.2. Output Output comes from the display of the device.

1.3.3. Communication If user is unable to complete the task, they will have to repeat the task all over again as immediate assistance is not availabe

1.3.4. Context Information regarding corporate loans is displayed.

1.4. Task 3

1.4.1. Input User clicks on the products tab, which leads to a drop down menu, user selects agriculture banking under personal category.

1.4.2. Output Output comes from the display of the device.

1.4.3. Communication If user is unable to complete the task, they will have to repeat the task all over again as immediate assistance is not availabe

1.4.4. Context Information regarding Government schemes, Bonds and investors for farmers is displayed.

2. Context

2.1. Physical Environment

2.1.1. Only drastic climate changes will affect the user, unless there is a stable internet connection and a proper device

2.2. Social Context

2.2.1. Faq's and email ids are provided on the website, but a live digital assistant or a chat bot would have been much more helpful.

2.3. Organizational Context

3. People

3.1. Physical

3.1.1. Sight

3.2. Psychological

3.2.1. Different kinds of people, text UI, color schemes red and yellow, different age groups, visual/text based preferences

3.3. Usage

3.3.1. Businessman, farmers, students, middle class workers

4. Activities

4.1. Temporal

4.1.1. Doing the complete process at a single time won't disturb the process but if we end the process mid way, we cannot continue where we left of from, we have to go through the entire process again

4.2. Co-operation

4.2.1. Task performed by the user may or may not require assistance According to out user testing, it looked like users above 40 need some kind of assistance to navigate through the website.

4.3. Security

4.3.1. Firewalls, OTP, Passwords, account details, error prevention messages, disabling internet banking option, demo videos

4.4. Complexity

4.4.1. According to our user testing each task was finished in or under 2 mins, therefore the tasks are not complete