Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Context

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Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Context by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Context

1. nativist

2. food baby eat

2.1. while he is feeding himself, tell him how good it taste and the texture of it. tell him what he is eating.

3. interactionist

3.1. extensive research conducted by Bloom and Tinker (2001) has further added to the interactionist perspective. the study of young children between the ages of 9 months and 2 years, Bloom and Tinker found that children expended considerable effort in acquiring language.

3.2. Question and answer

3.2.1. ask baby question about a toy and let him touch it and name the toy, he touch.

4. Behavirist

4.1. using the contribution of behaviorism as a basic, research is no longer simple focusing on identiying the stimuli, responses, and reinforicing contingencies that occur in linguistic interaction.

4.2. roll the toys

5. cognitive developmentalist

5.1. Chomsky's contributions to our understanding of the acquistion and structure of language have been significant (1965,1975, 2002:Pinker,1994

5.1.1. crawl on pictures: tape pictures face down

5.2. crawl on picture