Kyle Hubbard Freshman Portfolio

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Kyle Hubbard Freshman Portfolio by Mind Map: Kyle Hubbard Freshman Portfolio

1. Introduction letter(start here)

2. About me

3. Math Vocab

3.1. Reflection

3.2. Project

4. The study of Oppression Essay

4.1. Reflection

4.2. Project

5. Picture Vocab

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Project

6. corner store advertisement

6.1. Reflection

6.2. Project

7. Achieving globalization essay

7.1. Reflection

7.2. Project

8. ECA Biology Vocab

8.1. Reflection

8.2. Project

9. Science(chapter Vocab)

9.1. Reflection

9.2. Project

10. SWLO's

10.1. Reflection

10.2. First project

10.3. (Mid Year)

10.4. (End year)Meteorology Project

11. Data analysis

11.1. Refelction

12. Conclusion(end here)

12.1. New node