Aural Rehabilitation Fall 2020

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Aural Rehabilitation Fall 2020 by Mind Map: Aural Rehabilitation Fall 2020

1. Hearing loss is an neurobiological emergency

1.1. The reason why hearing loss in babies has been considered a “neurobiological emergency” is because of the short window of time when there is an optimal baby's brain development for auditory neural connections to form

2. Factors that affect language, speech, and literacy in cochlea implant users

2.1. With a hearing loss there might be some difficulties in these areas. There are also at least three reasons for literacy deficit to arise in the face of significant hearing loss. First, reading and writing problems may result from a restricted language system. Second, some children do not develop auditory basis for mapping sound to print, and third, children may have deficits in experience and world knowledge.

3. Creating an inclusive classroom environment is key for the success of students with hearing loss

3.1. By incorporating ASL into the classroom, students with a hearing loss would improve their participation and engagement in class. Therefore, this would improve their academic achievement and social competence. In addition, it will enhance communication and developmental skills, helping with their rehabilitation process. Moreover, students that do not have a hearing loss will have a wider acceptance and understanding of disability. Awareness, respect, and tolerance towards diversity will increase.

4. Facilitative Language Techniques for parents

4.1. parallel task is a facilitative language technique wherein the adult provides a commentary to match the kid's play, describing what the child is doing and might be thinking and feeling. This technique does not require the child to answer directly.

5. Components of Hearing Aid Orientation:

5.1. 1. audiologist describes the function of each part of the hearing aid and ensures the patient can adjust any control

5.1.1. 2. the patient practices inserting and removing the hearing aid, and batteries with the help of a mirror sometimes

5.1.2. 3. audiologist reviews basic hearing aid maintenance and ways to clean the device, protect it, and store it at night, and also discusses how to order new batteries

5.1.3. 4. the patient practices using the telephone, using the telecoil switch if the hearing aid has one.

5.1.4. 5. audiologist reviews realistic expectations, limitations, and explains the selection of the specific hearing aid,

5.1.5. 6. patient and audiologist determine appropriate use pattern for the first weeks

5.1.6. 7. patient learns how to troubleshoot the device

5.1.7. 8. patient receives printed information about the hearing aid and warranty

5.1.8. 9. patient and audiologist agree on a follow-up time table and talk about how to monitor performance with hearing aid.

6. LACE: Listening and Communication Enhancement

6.1. Phoneme-based

6.2. Word-based

6.3. Sentence-based

6.4. Cognitive-skills based

6.5. Targets listening in noisy environments

6.6. Low-cost

6.7. Self-paced and individually designed

6.8. Helps improve working memory

6.9. Training modules in rapid speech, speech-in-noise, competing speakers, and word memory

6.10. Adaptive training that adapts to participant’s answers, so that the questions are not too easy or too hard

7. Extra Steps that could be taken as a hearing clinicians to accommodate those hard of hearing or Deaf patients

7.1. There are different tips we could use to make communication effective. Speaking clearly and at a normal pace, while looking directly at the individual can improve the interaction. Gesturing and facial expressions will help them understand better what you are saying.

8. Role of SLP in an Individualized Plan for a child with hearing loss

8.1. he SLP evaluates speech and language performance and provides speech and language therapy. Speech-language pathologists also provide consultation to the parents, teachers, audiologists, and other members of the team.

9. Neuroplasticity and its role on hearing

9.1. Neuroplasticity allows the baby's brain to change with learning. Babies that are born with a hearing loss already have a disadvantage, since they are not starting from the same point. They have missed out 20 weeks of typical development of their auditory brain pathways. During the first 3 years of life, the child must be exposed to meaningful sounds in order for these auditory pathways in the brain to develop

10. IDA tools

10.1. Group aural rehabilitation programs are great tools and mechanisms for those that have a hearing loss. These groups provide clients with peer support and emotional well-being, it also helps clients to get better at using their technology and reduce return rates, and it also allows the clinician to counsel multiple clients at once

11. Being a good lipreader

11.1. Study body language and posture to

11.2. Substitute to make sense

11.3. Check in to facial movements and

11.4. Use of appropriate amplification

11.5. Stress profile attentiveness

11.6. Avoid/ take note of possible fatigue

11.7. Motivation to understand