TOK Framework 2020 (1) Indigenous societies (Annette, Noelle, Cathy)

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TOK Framework 2020 (1) Indigenous societies (Annette, Noelle, Cathy) by Mind Map: TOK Framework 2020 (1) Indigenous societies (Annette, Noelle, Cathy)

1. Methods & Tools (Annette)

1.1. Assumptions of the methods of inquiry used in these themes/areas of knowledge

1.1.1. That it is unknown and that the methods are false How traditional medicine is not advised as some people do not believe they have the ability to heal someone like modern medicine can opinions The traditional ways are usually not known due to their lack in popularity

1.2. How “good evidence” vary from discipline to discipline and culture to culture? How is knowledge produced and communicated in these themes/areas of knowledge?

1.2.1. The knowledge of having a spirit can not be scientifically proven but it is strongly believed Traditional Healers being able to heal people but there is no language to explain how they are able to experience the sickness and presence of oras many people become healthier in wellbeing and health

1.2.2. Tribesmen from the Amazon believe that the moon as a spirit not to be touched with When men walked on moon, they were upset as they believe the moon is far to not touch There is an increase in eclipse due to humans disturbing the moon belief with the technology we will kill the moon theory,

1.2.3. They also have the effects of climate change and urban development They see that they feel increasingly warm and the air is less fresh are then in the past evidence

1.3. How important are material tools in the production and acquisition of knowledge?

1.3.1. It helps keep the culture and meaning alive and to go through generations Song lines being passed down generation to stay with the culture. Knowledge, culture

1.3.2. The sharing of cultural knowledge can benefit scientist to better understand the land and reasoning behind some causes The contribution of indigenous family at Nunavut with scientist to

2. Scope [all]

2.1. What motivates the pursuit of knowledge in these themes/areas of knowledge?

2.1.1. to survive and overcome new problems need to acquire new skills and knowledge to find solutions to these problems

2.2. What practical problems can be solved through the application of knowledge from these themes/ areas of knowledge?

2.2.1. The understanding of sustainable use from tribes

2.2.2. how they interact with nature as one which we can learn to help change our consumption to be more sustainable seen from Abuela Grillo, a short film. She was able to work with nature but the modern society used that knowledge for greed rather respect

2.2.3. knowledge good tool for collaboration with western science to provide solutions for climate change

2.3. What makes this theme/area of knowledge important?

2.3.1. clear up misunderstandings and myths about indigenous communities

2.3.2. they are at a great disadvantage and face discrimination and exclusion

2.3.3. help us connect and adapt to the natural environment

3. What do these themes/areas of knowledge identify about knowledge that is rooted in particular social and cultural groups?

3.1. help us to identify who we are, and how our own perspectives have been built, over time – even before we were born

3.1.1. An important step towards understanding and accepting knowledge from other communities could be to accept the relevance of some of their stories and myths, which are linked to the experience acquired over generations and are deeply rooted in their identities.

3.1.2. We have to stand back inorder to understand the world view of others and to shape a balance perspective

3.2. It is important to understand where the knowledge of indigenous people comes from

3.2.1. As well as their strong attachment to nature and specific places, their sense of belonging to a community and the determination they show when defending their rights.

4. Ethics [Noelle]

4.1. Should the pursuit of knowledge in these themes/areas of knowledge be subject to ethical constraints?

4.1.1. As 'outsiders' are we allowed to judge their cultural practices? Can we judge that 'inca' communities sacrifice their children to avoid and survive natural disasters? We don't know how they perceive their world and we have different perspectives

4.1.2. different moral compasses because our perspectives are formed from our surroundings, and indigenous people only know what they need to survive

4.1.3. different understanding of punishment and forgiveness

4.2. What responsibilities rest on the knower as a result of their knowledge in these themes/areas of knowledge?

4.2.1. cultural appreciation not cultural appropriation cultural appropriation - taking elements from culture not your own turning and reducing it to a meaningless pop-cultural item it is an extension of centuries of racism, genocide and oppression whereas cultural appreciation, involves taking the time to learn and interact to gain understanding of a culture based on mutual respect responsibility of protecting indigenous community, which are already threatened

4.3. How can we know when we should act on what we know?

4.3.1. by whose moral compass should we judge them, if we judge them? we first have to... assimilate their knowledge into our perspective delimit the context in which their decisions have been formed understand why the practices are carried out is important

4.4. Do established values change in the face of new knowledge?

4.4.1. with globalisation and the fast exchange of knowledge and information, established values have been changed e.g. with more education on human rights and gender equality, and medical knowledge on the effects of female genital mutilation, such as mental distress and infections, this cultural practice has been banned in many countries

5. Perspectives (Cathy)

5.1. What is the significance of key historical developments within these themes/areas of knowledge?

5.1.1. Settler colonialism The settler colonialism in Canada through the 1800s-1900s was structured in a way that systematically targeted Indigenous people in order to privilege the settlers who came here. The impact of colonization on Canada can be seen in its culture, history, politics, laws, and legislatures.

5.1.2. Modern culture has historically dismissed indigenous knowledge in the same way it has treated indigenous people.

5.2. Are some types of knowledge less open to interpretation than others?

5.2.1. When you are part of a dominant culture it is difficult to understand the impact it can have on individuals who are non-dominant. the identity of indigenous people and their links to their cultural heritage could be at stake Eg: when Europeans arrive the North American and begin to settling the land it didn’t stop at just taking land from indigenous people they brought with them a policy to snuff out the so called Indian problem— Canadian Indian residential school

5.3. Is an understanding of the perspective of other knowers essential in the pursuit of knowledge?

5.3.1. Yes, indigenous societies have built their views of the world over generations with a fluid perception of time. This gives us the opportunity to compare and contrast these with our own perspectives, which may have been shaped with a more mechanical and fragmented relationship to time We may learn from the position of the Sun and the stars, guided by the ancestral wisdom of others.