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CRIME by Mind Map: CRIME

1. Homicide

1.1. killing another person on purpose

2. Murder

2.1. killing someone on purpose

3. Assault

3.1. attacking someone physically

4. Arson

4.1. sets fire to other people's property illegally

5. Bombing

5.1. detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property

6. Blackmail

6.1. threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid

7. Burglary

7.1. breaking into a house in order to steal something

8. Child abuse

8.1. treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way

9. Smuggling

9.1. taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc.

10. Terrorism

10.1. using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes

11. Kidnapping

11.1. taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe return

12. Theft

12.1. stealing, in general

13. Mugging

13.1. attacking someone with a plan to rob them

14. Robbery

14.1. stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.

15. Assassination

15.1. kills people for political reasons, or in return for payment

16. Bigamy

16.1. marrying someone when you are already married to another person

17. Burglary

17.1. breaking into a house in order to steal something

18. Cybercrime

18.1. doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system

19. Drunk driving

19.1. driving with too much alcohol in your blood

20. Vandalism

20.1. destroying private or public property purposely

21. Shoplifting

21.1. stealing something from a store

22. Rape

22.1. forcing someone to have sex

23. Speeding

23.1. driving above the speed limit

24. Hit and run

24.1. not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you

25. Poaching

25.1. hunting illegally