Murder on the Orient Express: Evidence

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Murder on the Orient Express: Evidence by Mind Map: Murder on the Orient Express: Evidence

1. Scarlet kimono is in Poirot's suitcase

2. The fake conductor and the woman in the red kimono might be the same person

3. Ratchett did not speak French, but the voice that told the conductor to go away spoke in French

4. Mary Debenham was the Countess's teacher in New York

5. The handkerchief found in Ratchett's room belongs to the princess

6. The murder was planned to look like an outside job but was in fact done by a passenger

7. Every person who wrote their address was right-handed with the exception of the princess who refused to write

8. Woman in the red kimono, the second murderer, might have altered the hands on Ratchett's waatch

9. All escape routes in Ratchett's were locked from the other sides or did not have fingerprints on them

10. Hands on Ratchett's pocket watch might have been changed manually

11. Pipe cleaners identical to the one found in Ratchett's room are found in the Colonel's luggage

12. Ratchett's enemy could be a woman in disguise

13. A button of one of the Wagon Lit employees was found in Mrs. Hubbard's room

13.1. Not the Wagon Lit conductor's

14. Ratchett's real name is Cassetti

14.1. Cassetti murdered a baby named Daisy Armstrong and demanded $2000 from her parents

15. "-member little Daisy Armstrong." -- Remember little Daisy Armstrong - found on a letter that was burned in Ratchett's compartment

16. Ratchett's blunt force wounds given randomly and sloppily

17. Ratchett's pocket watch stopped at 1:15 AM, suggesting the murder occurred at 1:15 AM

18. Match that did not belong to Ratchett found in his compartment

19. Pipe cleaner found in Ratchett's compartment

20. Woman's handkerchief found in Ratchett's compartment

21. First and Second Murder Theory: Murderer 1 came in the room, killed Ratchett, and left. Murderer 2 comes in and, without realizing Ratchett is already dead, stabs him some more

21.1. If true, one killer is right-handed and the other is left-handed

22. Ratchett had already been dead for some time when he got some of the stab wounds because there is no evidence of bleeding

23. The Countess described her teacher as somebody that was the exact opposite of Mary and gave her the name Freebody, but failed to consider that Poirot might know the store "Debenham & Freebody"

24. Because the damage to the watch seems purposely misleading, Ratchett must have been murdered earlier than 1:15 AM

25. Mary Debenham, the Princess, and the Countess are the only possibilities to be the fake conductor

26. Poirot's Lists: Pages 236-239 and 241-242

27. Wounds are too deep to be done by a woman, unless she is athletic

28. Window in Ratchett's compartment was wide open, but no finger prints were found on it, so probably not important

29. Ratchett last seen alive at 12:37 AM when he talked to the conductor

30. Ratchett was stabbed 12 times - not suicide

31. Ratchett took a sleeping draught before he was murdered

32. Map of train is on page 91

33. Stabbing was done with the left and right hands

34. Time table on page 128

35. Pipe cleaner might have been dropped to frame the colonel

36. Armstrong Connections

36.1. Edward Masterman - Colonel Armstrong's batman in the war and valet in New York

36.2. Antonio Foscarelli - chauffeur

36.3. Hector MacQueen - uncle was the Armstrong's lawyer

36.4. Hildegarde Schmidt - cook

36.5. Greta Ohlsson - Daisy's nurse

36.6. Mary Debenham - Countess's teacher

36.7. Caroline Hubbard - Linda Arden, grandmother of Daisy Armstrong

36.8. Countess Andrenyi - aunt of Daisy

36.9. Princess Dragomiroff - close friend of Linda Arden

36.10. Colonel Arbuthnot - Colonel Armstrong's best friend

36.11. Cyrus Hardman - in love with the French maid, Susanne, who killed herself

36.12. Pierre Michel - father of Susanne

37. The Countess was the only passenger that didn't stab Ratchett -- her husband, the Count, took her place