by Jillian D.
1. Estimates
1.1. Test-Retest: Same test twice to same people and correlate scores
1.2. Alternate form: Equivalent test to same people and correlate scores
1.3. Internal consistency: Use when a test measures a single trait
1.3.1. split half/odd-even
1.4. item-total
2. Reliability: Principles for interpreting reliability coeficciencents
2.1. Group variability
2.2. Scoring reliability
2.3. Test length
2.4. Item difficulty
3. Content Validity Evidence
3.1. Do test items align with learning outcomes?
4. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence
4.1. Correlate test scores with an established standard.
4.2. Concurrent: Correlate scores with a criterion measured at the same time.
4.3. Predictive: Correlate scores with a criterion measure collected after a period of time has passed.
5. Construct Validity Evidence
5.1. Do the test scores correspond with other scores on other variables as predicted?
6. Validity: Principles for interpreting validity
6.1. adequacy is dependent on strength of coefficient and purpose of test
6.2. group variability affects strength of coefficient
6.3. relevance/reliability of criterion