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The Three Bears by Mind Map: The Three Bears

1. Someone is still in my bed!

2. Goldilocks is scared off and never returns

3. The Story Begins

3.1. Porridge

3.2. Chairs

3.2.1. Baby Bear's Chair

3.3. Beds

4. Goldilocks

4.1. Intruder

4.1.1. Break & Enter

4.2. Thief

4.2.1. Stole the Porridge

4.3. Vandel

4.3.1. Broke the chair

5. Bear Family

6. Goldilocks runs away

7. Mama Bear

7.1. Helpful, Friendly, Motherly

8. Papa Bear

8.1. Large, Happy, Furry

9. Baby Bear

9.1. Tiny, young and playful