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5WH by Mind Map: 5WH

1. Do the patient have people that they connect with?

2. If negative - Why is it a negative feeling for the patient

3. Where are the places were patient feel most left out

4. When

4.1. When does it affect patients and their surroundings?

4.2. Are the effects same in the short/medium/long term aftermath?

4.3. When are the patients most likely to get infected.

4.3.1. When does the person learn to live with the problem?

4.4. When are the first symptoms visible?

4.5. When are the patients most vulnerable

4.6. When do the patient accept their disease

4.7. When does the patient find they have the disease

4.8. When are the patients least affected

4.9. When are patients in contact with decision makers

4.10. When are the patients in contact with other stakeholders

4.11. When does the patient have no one around them

4.11.1. How does that make the patient feel if negative how does the patient cope with this? Is the patient able to cope with it? Why is it negative? What changes can make it a positive experience Is it a negative or a positive experience for the patient If positive - Why is it a positive feeling for the patient How are the patients different How are the patients same Is it dependent on stakeholders? Is it dependent on the disease ? Is it dependent on the disease Do all patients experience something? What does the majority of patients experience

4.11.2. Is it common for every person with same disease

4.11.3. Is it common for every patient? What elements are common for different patient If it is not common then how are the other patients different

4.11.4. Who can patient go to when they are alone Are they available for the patient all the time When are they not available Does the patient want a person to be there Why were not there in the first place Do they want the person to be there physically? How can they get in contact with the person

4.11.5. Why does the patient have no one around them Did the patient behaviour caused this? What part does the disease play in this? Why is the disease causing people to be away from patient

5. Where

5.1. Where does the problem occur?

5.1.1. Where is the problem most visible?

5.2. Where is the patient treated?

5.3. Where are the different places the patient go because of the disease

5.3.1. Does the patient enjoy going this place

5.4. Where does the patient like going

5.5. Where are the places the patient cant go anymore

5.5.1. Why cant the patient go there anymore?

5.5.2. What stops the patient from going

5.6. Where did the patient find out about the disease

5.7. Is the patient like to be susceptible in certain areas?

5.8. Where else can the patient go

5.9. Where does the patient have to be most careful

5.10. Where are the places that makes the patient feel anxious

5.11. Where are the places were the patients feel normal?

5.12. Where are the places were patient feel most welcomed

5.13. Where are the places the patient is not welcomed

6. How

6.1. How does the disease infect the patient?

6.2. How can the patient look to heal this aliment

6.3. How do short term effects differ from long term effects?

6.4. How does the behaviour of patient change over time?

6.5. How are different patients connected

6.6. How are decisions made right now

6.7. How patients felt before and after illness

6.8. How are coping?

6.9. How are different stakeholders involved

6.10. How could have patient avoided the disease

6.11. How does the patient interact with other patient

6.12. How does the patient find other patient

6.13. How is the patient different now

6.14. How aware is the patient of their disease

6.14.1. What is something they should know

6.14.2. What is something they should know but are not aware of

6.15. How else can the patient be treated

6.16. How are other patients being treated

6.16.1. Who chose the treatment

6.16.2. Why are they being treated differently

6.17. How did the stakeholders react when they found out patient had the disease

6.17.1. Why is their reaction important

6.17.2. Did it affect the patient

6.17.3. Who had the most adverse reaction

6.17.4. Who was the most supportive

7. Who

7.1. Who is involved

7.1.1. How did they end up being involved How well do they know the patient Who approached whom? Can the patient stop their involvement Did someone force the patient to involve them

7.1.2. What effect do they have on the patient What control does the patient have on this effect Can their effect be avoided

7.1.3. Does the patient trust them? If yes then why? Is there a quality common among the individuals Is time a factor? How important is their power they have on the patients decisions Can they break this truth? if No then why? Can they gain the trust again What did the person do to break the trust Does the patient not trust them because of unfamiliarity? What did the person do to gain the trust

7.1.4. Were they involved with the patient before the disease?

7.2. Who is the decision maker

7.2.1. What gave them the authority to make decisions

7.2.2. Are the decisions enforced Does the patient take the actions willingly

7.2.3. Why do they take the decision

7.2.4. What outcome is there of their decision

7.2.5. What if they were not involved during decision making

7.2.6. Does every patient has this decision making person

7.2.7. How many people are involved during decision making

7.3. Who is affected by the situation

7.3.1. Describe the situation How else could the situation take place Is this the only sitaution What are some alternative scenarios

7.3.2. How can the situation be avoided Can the sitaution be avoided

7.3.3. What caused the situation How can the situation be avoided

7.4. Who else can help

7.4.1. Why are they helping

7.4.2. Is there a personal benefit for the person If yes? What if not then what drives them to help

7.4.3. Will they help tom too?

7.4.4. How do they help the patient

7.4.5. When did they start helping

7.5. Who are indirectly involved

7.5.1. Why are they involved

7.5.2. Do they know about their involvement

7.5.3. Is there a direct contact with the patient

7.5.4. What effect do they have on the patient

7.5.5. Can they be removed

7.6. Who are not involved

7.6.1. Why are they not involved

7.6.2. Did the patient stopped them

7.6.3. Where they involved at some time

7.6.4. Why are they important

7.6.5. Are they involved in other aspect of patients life What effect do they have in that aspect

7.7. Who else cannot be involved

7.8. Who else can be involved

7.9. Who cares about the patient the most

7.10. Who knows the patient best

7.11. Who is with the patient most pf the time

7.12. Who does the patient care about the most

7.13. Who does the patient dislike the most & why

7.14. Who has a similar journey to that of patient

7.15. Who all have stopped supporting the patient after they realize they have the disease

8. What

8.1. What do we already know about the problem

8.2. What are the mental effects of chronic illness

8.3. What are the symptoms

8.4. What are some things that different diseases share

8.5. What are the steps people are already taking to help them

8.6. What are the causes

8.7. What are the short term effects on the patients

8.8. What are the long term effects on the patient

8.9. What is being researched right now?

8.10. What is the feedback from the patients

8.11. What needs to be changed now

8.12. What changes can wait

8.13. What causes the most stress to patient

8.14. What things cannot be changed

8.15. What separate different patients with similar disease

8.16. What brings different patients together

8.17. What separates different diseases

8.18. What cannot be avoided

8.19. What does the future look like for the patient

8.20. What does the future look like for the disease?