Skeletal system, circulatory system.

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Skeletal system, circulatory system. by Mind Map: Skeletal system,   circulatory system.

1. oxygen is petrol for body

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2. the circulatory sistem cells are red blood cell, white blood cell, andplatelets.

3. Nuevo nodo

4. The heartbeat is usually 70 times per minute

5. the heart beat when running it at 140 times a minute

6. the blood travel and arrive to lungs where get oxygen and later go to the body and return with dioxide to the heart where go to lungs.

7. stirrup bone in the ear is the smallest bone

8. rib cage protects heart, sungs

9. spone is made of 33 small bones called vertebrates

10. the femur is the longest bone in the body

11. the longest bone of the body are the femur

12. the skeletal cells are osteocytes, osteoclast, osteoblast.

13. the body have 206 bones

14. the body have 206 bonews

15. for strong bones take milk and fish also walk in sunlight