Kate's first plans

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Kate's first plans by Mind Map: Kate's first plans

1. Legend

1.1. Karen

1.2. Kristen

1.3. Jayme

2. Professional Development

2.1. Executive Coaching

2.2. Mentors

2.3. Brand

2.3.1. Conferences/Podcasts/Guest Blogging

3. Finance and Operations

3.1. Eng 2021 Budget

3.1.1. cadence with Karen

3.2. Operational Plan for Q1

3.3. Metrics Dashboard

3.3.1. Key metrics for business reporting

3.3.2. regular reporting process

3.3.3. product vs business metrics

3.4. Investor and Board Relations

3.4.1. Investor Onboarding Jan 2021

3.4.2. Feb 2021 Board Meeting

3.5. Kristen/Kate 1:1's

3.5.1. Kate as a person

3.5.2. Kate as a CTO

3.6. Techstars Engagement

4. Customer Acquisition

4.1. Weekly Sales Demos

4.2. Partnership with Channel Companies

5. Product Development

5.1. Eddy 2.0

5.1.1. bot frameworks

5.1.2. customer sign-up

5.1.3. ingest portal

5.1.4. manager portal

5.1.5. NLP interactions

5.2. Development Infrastructure

5.2.1. TDD Performance/SLA requirements functional testing unit tests integration tests

5.2.2. CICD pipelines Established Dev -> Test -> prod environments??? continuous deployment

5.2.3. Security Protecting us IP defense from bad actors Protecting our customers data security data privacy

5.3. Short term: Website Management

5.3.1. Adding New Hires

5.3.2. Signups and payment integration

5.4. Product Marketing

5.4.1. Technical Blogging

5.4.2. Public Brand: Online Engagement

5.5. Longterm Product Vision

5.5.1. Partnership with CEO Vision

5.5.2. Customer Research

6. Team/People

6.1. Agile Processes

6.1.1. Backlog refinement

6.1.2. Demos

6.1.3. retros

6.2. Hiring?

6.2.1. Contractors vs FTE's Upwork/Agencies

6.2.2. Interview processes

6.2.3. Recruiting practices

6.2.4. DE&I considerations

6.3. Culture

6.3.1. Engineering Philosophy

6.3.2. Developing Existing Team Members

6.3.3. Performance

6.3.4. Thought Leadership/community engagement

6.4. Interns/Apprentices