Educational technologies: the importance for today's learners

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Educational technologies: the importance for today's learners por Mind Map: Educational technologies: the importance for today's learners

1. Critical thinking

1.1. blog

1.2. discussion forum

1.3. chat and meeting rooms

2. Collaborative writing

2.1. wikis

2.2. google docs

2.3. New node

3. Brainstorming

3.1. e-whiteboards

3.2. voicethread

3.3. mindmaps

3.4. wikis

4. access anytime/ anywhere

4.1. lectopia

4.2. podcasts

4.3. audio recordings

5. Resource sharing

5.1. messages

5.2. people

5.3. devices

6. communication

6.1. IM

6.2. virtual meeting rooms

6.3. skype

6.4. mailing lists

6.5. blog

6.6. twitter

7. personal reflection

7.1. journals

7.2. blog

7.3. voicethread

8. media sharing

8.1. news

8.2. Youtube


8.4. vimeo

9. Use of Computers and internet