Social Issues for the Diverse Gender Identity Community

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Social Issues for the Diverse Gender Identity Community by Mind Map: Social Issues for the Diverse Gender Identity Community

1. Economic Justice

1.1. Twenty-five to forty per cent of homeless youth in Canada identify as LGBTTIQ

1.2. Employment discrimination, lack of health insurance, homelessness, and other factors make gender diverse people particularly vulnerable to the impact of economic inequality.

1.3. On March 11, 2015, Toronto City Council finally approved funding for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and 2-spirit (LGBTQ2S) youth transitional housing

1.4. Young transgender women of colour frequently experience greater levels of discrimination because they are dealing with transphobia, racism, and oftentimes, homophobia all at once

1.5. LGBTQ2S youth were more likely (34%) to say that violence or abuse made them leave home, compared to heterosexuals cisgender youth (16%)

2. Recognition and Acceptance

2.1. most provinces and territories added “sexual orientation” to their Human Rights codes

2.2. starting with Quebec in 1978 and then Ontario in 1989

2.3. In 1996, the Canadian Parliament amended the Canadian Human Rights Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation

2.4. No matter what country you are in there will always be discrimination against gay people as seen in the video provided.

2.5. Canadian government passed an omnibus bill decriminalizing private sexual acts between two people over the age of 21

2.6. in 2005 marked a milestone in sexual orientation equality rights, by allowing same-sex couples to be married anywhere in Canada.

3. Homophobic and Transphobic Violence

3.1. since age 15: 6 in 10 sexual minority Canadians have been sexually or physically assaulted

3.2. In the past 12 months: more then 1 in 10 sexual minority Canadians have been physically or sexually assaulted

3.3. In the past 12 months: 1 in 25 heterosexual Canadians have been sexually or physically assaulted

3.4. Just under 6 out of 10 sexual minority people in Canada have been targets of unwanted sexual behavior in public in the last 12 months

3.5. 1 in 3 sexual minorities have received unwanted comments about their sex, gender, and sexual orientation