Importance of ICT in the Philippines

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Importance of ICT in the Philippines by Mind Map: Importance of ICT in the Philippines

1. The private sector are committed to interact and co-evolve within the country’s ICT ecosystem

2. Benefits of Political Discussion

2.1. Its network of partners in the private sector also account for millions of businesses since the Social Security System also maintains over 20 million members.

3. The changes and reforms which were reported by P-Noy have been expected, given his firm stand for a corruption-free and progressive Philippines.

4. The Global Information Technology Report 2012 of the World Economic Forum raises constant awareness on several factors that drive the capacity of countries to transform and benefit from the multiple impacts that ICT can bring about.

5. Benefits of Social Discussion

5.1. An ICT framework that provides clear policy orientation in the implementation and monitoring of public-private partnership opportunities.

5.2. Amid rapid changes brought about by information and communications technology (ICT), countries experienced deep transformation in the way their economic activities and societies are organized.

6. A government level commission on ICT was formerly created which was later merged with the Department of Science and Technology (DoST).