Community Engagement Planning

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Community Engagement Planning by Mind Map: Community Engagement Planning

1. Who will we work with?

2. What work will we do?

2.1. Engage with carers in the northern metro region

2.2. Establish community engagement and service development initiatives

2.2.1. Deliver 'about us' presentations

2.2.2. Meet and greet meetings

2.3. Build and maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders in northern metro region

2.3.1. Funding for community activities

2.3.2. To start by end of march

2.4. contribute to the development of events and programs which support carers

2.5. Collaborate with carers and other external stakeholders to inform the development of person centrered and effective carer programs and activities

3. What will be our impact?

3.1. Raise awareness of CG and MCS

3.2. Increase Word of mouth

3.3. Increase health and wellness

3.3.1. Increased engagement with health services

3.3.2. Reduced Stress

3.4. Increased understanding of CG

3.4.1. Among Carers

3.4.2. Among Providers

3.4.3. Among Carers and Providers in CALD Communities in our catchment

3.5. Increase use of CG

3.6. Enable program development partnerships

3.6.1. targeting carers registered with a range of services

3.7. Develop our awareness of the sector

3.8. Develop our understanding of the key needs of our program participants

4. What stories do we want to tell

4.1. What is the purpose of our activity?

4.2. Can we share the story with someone else

4.3. What can we capture that can help us to promote future events

5. Our aims

5.1. Establish community engagement and service development initiatives

5.1.1. With the aim of improving outcomes for carers including those from diverse backgrounds

5.1.2. service development initiatives which result in better outcomes for carers, such as increased health & wellbeing and equitable access to carer support services

5.1.3. Develops carers’ understanding of the importance of engagement with services they are accessing through targeted messaging and participation initiatives

5.2. Build and maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders

5.2.1. Collaborates with carers and other external stakeholders to inform the development of person-centred and effective carer programs and activities

5.3. Contribute to the development of programs and events which support carers

5.4. Actively promote Merri carer services

5.5. Notes from Whiteboard

5.5.1. Improve outcomes for carers including carers from diverse communities

5.5.2. Increased health and wellbeing

5.5.3. Equitable access to Carer supports

5.5.4. Increased understanding of importance of engaging with carer support services

6. Why Are we doing this?

7. Who are our target cohorts?

7.1. What tactics are we going to use to engage with this cohort?