DESIGN THINKING Design Thinking minimizes the risks of innovation by engaging customers or users...

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DESIGN THINKING Design Thinking minimizes the risks of innovation by engaging customers or users through a series of prototypes to learn, test & refine concepts. by Mind Map: DESIGN  THINKING Design Thinking minimizes the risks of innovation by engaging customers or users through a series of prototypes to learn, test & refine concepts.

1. Introduction

1.1. Learn about the audience

1.2. Observe and interview

1.3. Listen

1.4. Ask questions


2.1. User testing and surveys

2.2. Evaluate

2.3. Gather learnings

2.4. Iterate and scale


3.1. Define your scope

3.2. Look for patterns and insights

3.3. Question assumptions

3.4. Frame your P.O.V


4.1. Come up with many solutions

4.2. Experiment

4.3. Co-create with team members

4.4. Brainstorm and select


5.1. Think big, act small, fail fast

5.2. Gather feedback

5.3. Refine

5.4. Learn from users