Mahdalena Sitompul

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Mahdalena Sitompul by Mind Map: Mahdalena Sitompul

1. Orientation

1.1. Mahdalena Sitompul, known as Lena, was the last child of 10 children. She was born in Sibolga on March 7th, 1978. Her mother was Maria Sinta and her father was named Jabidan. She spent her childhood in Sibolga.

2. Series of events

2.1. She held an elementary school education at Sibolga State Elementary School in 1984, then she continued her education to SMP Negri 3 Sibolga. After graduated, she entered SMA Negri 1 Sibolga. She moved to Jakarta to continue her education at Borobudur University majoring in banking academy.

2.2. After completed her education, she went to Pekanbaru. In 2001, she worked as one of the staff at Gramedia bookstore. She appointed supervisor at the same workplace, after worked some time. In 2003, she decided to quit her job at the time and she made the decide to open a printing business. The business lasted until 2011. She chose to close her business and spend her time as a housewife.

2.3. She met her husband in the area around where he lived while working. She married her husband on October 14th, 2004. They had two daughters, after a year of marriage. A few years later, they had a son.

3. Reorientation

3.1. For me, i think Mahdalena Sitompul is a brave woman. She wasn't afraid to leave her home town to do what she wanted. She dared to take the opportunity. She also worked hard at her jjob. The attitude i admire about her is her courageous and hard-working.