Alternatives ABA Customer Journey

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Alternatives ABA Customer Journey by Mind Map: Alternatives ABA Customer Journey

1. Lifecycle Stages

1.1. Subscribers

1.2. Leads

1.2.1. Leads are qualified for the following factors: the child has a diagnosis and is in the correct age range, and the family is actively seeking ABA therapy services. If not already entered into system, gets them entered as a lead. Inbound Leads Leads generated directly through marketing campaigns. Referred Leads Leads generated offline via referrals or other activities. ACTION: Referred leads should be sent the pre-intake form.

1.3. Marketing (Admin) Qualified Leads

1.3.1. MQLs have been qualified by the initial admin review. They then complete new client forms and submit insurance information for verification.

1.4. Sales (Clinician) Qualified Leads

1.4.1. SQLs are in the clinical consultation stage. After the consultation, prospects are provided with initial options for treatment models, estimated costs, and other necessary information.

1.5. Opportunity

1.5.1. Opportunities have been approved by the clinician and agreed to proceed with the in-center evaluation. After the evaluation, the clinician prepares the final report and answers any final objections. The admin team handles the insurance authorization and begins the hiring process as needed.

1.6. Client

1.6.1. Clients have been given final authorization from insurance (as needed) and have started or are scheduled to start services.

1.7. Other

1.7.1. The lifecycle stage used for all other contacts as needed - prospective employees, clinical partners, media contacts, etc.

2. Opportunity Stages & Lead Statuses

2.1. New

2.1.1. Pre-Intake Form Sent

2.1.2. Pre-Intake Form Received Task is generated for contact owner to review pre-intake form.

2.1.3. Pre-Intake Approved Task is generated for contact owner to send new client forms.

2.1.4. New Client Forms Sent Lead moves to Application phase and MQL Task is generated to follow-up with leads if new client forms not received within 7 days.

2.2. Application

2.2.1. New Client Forms Approved Task is generated for contact owner to send documentation request.

2.2.2. Documentation Sent Task is generated to follow-up with leads if documentation not received within 7 days.

2.2.3. Documentation Approved Task is generated to begin benefits verification process.

2.2.4. Benefits Verified Lead moves to Consultation phase and SQL Task is generated to schedule consultation within 7 days.

2.3. Consultation

2.3.1. Consultation Scheduled

2.3.2. Consultation Completed Lead moves to Evaluation phase and Opportunity Task is generated to schedule evaluation within 7 days.

2.4. Evaluation

2.4.1. Evaluation Scheduled

2.4.2. Evaluation Completed Lead moves to Closing phase Task is generated to begin insurance authorization and any needed hiring processes.

2.5. Closing

2.5.1. Insurance Authorized Task is generated to submit final approval to parents and wrap up any final needs.

2.5.2. Final Report Approved Lead moves to Client phases and opportunity is marked as Closed Won. Task is generated to schedule services.

2.6. Client

2.6.1. Services Scheduled

2.6.2. Active Services

2.7. Other

2.7.1. Follow-Up / Future Client If at any point a lead requests a pause in the process of becoming a client, they will be moved into a separate follow-up pipeline and a task will be generated to follow-up in 90 days.

2.7.2. Alternatives ABA Declined If at any point a lead is disqualified by the Alternatives ABA team, their opportunity is marked as Closed Lost.

2.7.3. Prospect Declined If at any point a lead opts not to proceed any further with Alternatives ABA, their opportunity is marked as Closed Lost.