eJPT and CEH Practical Guide by Joas

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eJPT and CEH Practical Guide by Joas by Mind Map: eJPT and CEH Practical Guide by Joas

1. CEH Practical

1.1. Network Computer Fundamentals

1.1.1. CCNA Study Guide

1.2. Attack Vectors Knowledge

1.2.1. Web Application

1.2.2. Network Computer

1.2.3. Clouding Computer

1.2.4. IoT

1.3. Information Gathering, Scanning and Enumeration

1.3.1. Nmap

1.3.2. Wireshark

1.3.3. Dirb

1.3.4. Gobuster

1.3.5. Dirbuster

1.3.6. Hping2 and Hping3

1.3.7. Wpscan

1.3.8. Nikto

1.4. Steganography

1.4.1. OpenStego

1.4.2. Steghide

1.4.3. QuickStego

1.5. Brute Force

1.5.1. Hydra

1.5.2. Ncrack

1.5.3. Burp Suite

1.5.4. John the Ripper

1.5.5. Hashcat

1.5.6. Cewl

1.5.7. Crunch

1.5.8. Rainbowcrack

1.5.9. Hashcalc

1.6. Cryptography

1.6.1. Veracrypt

1.7. Web Vulnerability Skills

1.7.1. XSS XSS Payloads

1.7.2. Web Parameter Tampering

1.7.3. SQL Injection SQLMap

1.8. Exploitation

1.8.1. Metasploit

1.8.2. Responder LLMNR

1.8.3. Searchsploit

1.9. Exam CEH

1.9.1. Vulnerability analysis to identify security loopholes in the target organization’s network, communication infrastructure, and end systems, etc

1.9.2. System hacking, steganography

1.9.3. Network scanning to identify live and vulnerable machines in a network

1.9.4. OS banner grabbing, service, and user enumeration

1.9.5. SQL injection attacks

1.9.6. Different types of cryptography attacks

1.9.7. Packet sniffing

2. Complementary

2.1. My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joas-antonio-dos-santos/

2.2. eJPT Github Notes: tr0nucf/My-Tools, d3m0n4l3x/eJPT and eJPT Experience Users

2.3. CEH Practical Github Notes: CyberSecurityUP/Guide-CEH-Practical-Master

3. eJPT

3.1. Network Computer Fundamentals

3.1.1. CCNA Study Guide

3.1.2. INE Study Guide

3.2. Web Application Concept

3.3. Information Gathering, Scanning and Enumeration

3.3.1. Nmap Fast Scanner Network Scanner in Commons Port 21,22,80, 135,139,445,3306

3.3.2. Hfping

3.3.3. Nessus

3.3.4. Enum4linux

3.3.5. Smbclient

3.3.6. Nmblookup

3.3.7. Wireshark Pcap Analysis New Network Detect Pivoting

3.4. Web Vulnerability Skills

3.4.1. SQL Injection SQLMAP SQL Injection Payloads

3.4.2. XSS XSS Payloads List

3.4.3. Web Crawling Dirb Gobuster

3.4.4. Web Vulnerability Testing Tool Burp Suite

3.4.5. Web Server Scanner Nikto

3.5. Pivoting and Routing

3.5.1. Ip route add <destination network> via <outgoing network>

3.5.2. Meterpreter> run autoroute -s “destination network

3.5.3. Portfwd Metasploit

3.6. Exploitation

3.6.1. Metasploit-Framework

3.6.2. Searchsploit and Exploit-db

3.7. Brute-Force

3.7.1. Ncrack FTP Server

3.7.2. Hydra FTP Server HTTP Login Page

3.7.3. John The Ripper Hashs

3.7.4. Auxiliary Module Metasploit

3.8. eJPT Exam

3.8.1. Simple manual web application security assessment and exploitation

3.8.2. Basic vulnerability assessment of networks

3.8.3. Using Metasploit for performing simple attacks

3.8.4. Web application manual exploitation through attack vectors

3.8.5. Ability to perform protocol analysis of a traffic capture

3.8.6. Understanding of information gathering techniques

3.8.7. Understanding of the penetration testing process

4. Laboratory

4.1. Hack The Box

4.2. Try Hack Me

4.3. Vulnhub

4.4. Metasploitable

4.5. Luxury Threats

4.6. iLabs Cyber Range