Why do students feel stressed/ overwhelmed in university during remote learning (in the COVID-19 ...

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Why do students feel stressed/ overwhelmed in university during remote learning (in the COVID-19 environment)? by Mind Map: Why do students feel stressed/ overwhelmed in university during remote learning (in the COVID-19 environment)?

1. Students are too scared of the pandemic

1.1. Global pandemic

1.1.1. Students are stressed about the global pandemic

2. Lack of sunlight

2.1. Not enough vitamin D

2.1.1. Struggling to concentrate due to vitamin deficiency Students are stressed because of biological needs

3. Students struggle with motivation around their schoolwork

3.1. Distractions such as social media, Netflix, and family

3.1.1. Lack of accountability Unable to attend live lectures with peers and professors Lacking a sense of community and encouragement from peers

4. Financial Difficulties

4.1. Inability to afford/pay tuition

4.1.1. Restrictive budget (not enough money to put towards university) Reduced hours at work Root Cause = Increased lay-offs, shorter hours at work

5. Students struggle with motivation around their schoolwork

6. Poor time management

6.1. Procrastination

6.1.1. Lack of self-motivation Get distracted easily (Netflix, social media, family) Root cause = lack of accountability or motivation