Future of Big Data

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Future of Big Data by Mind Map: Future of Big Data

1. Reduce Dropouts

1.1. predictive analysis

2. Gain Students Attention

2.1. Biometrics monitor attentiveness

3. Permanence of the Past

3.1. Putting the pasts of our data into perspective

3.2. Accessibility of past information and data

3.3. Is it possible to understand the wider context of who we are today?

4. Fixed Futures

4.1. Tracking (vocational, AP, standard)

4.2. We should be pushed to succeed against the odds versus feeling content along a smoother track

5. Feedback

5.1. Data used for continuous feedback to the student, teacher, and institution

5.2. Using data as more than just a snapshot of time

5.3. Real-time adaptive learning