statistics of people being killed by police officers in 2015

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statistics of people being killed by police officers in 2015 by Mind Map: statistics of people being killed by police officers in 2015

1. situations that occured before poloce officers killed people

1.1. attepmt to arrest a wanted person, execute a warrant or apprehend a fugutive (16%)

1.2. non-violent crime (7%)

1.3. attempted traffic or street stop (14%)

1.4. complaint about domestic violence or domestic disturbance (more than 21%)

1.5. violent crime (13%)

2. regional disparities

2.1. Kern County, California

2.1.1. more people were kiled, relative to the population, than anywhere else

2.2. New Mexico

2.2.1. highest per-capita rate of any state

2.2.2. 21 people were killed by the police, 1 was unarmed

2.3. Rhode Island

2.3.1. one person among a population of more than a million was killed by the police

2.4. New York state

2.4.1. 9 of the 25 people killed by police were unarmed seven of them were black man

2.5. Georgia

2.5.1. 38 people were killed by the police five if them with tasers

2.6. all 50 states and the District of Columbia had at least one death caused by police

3. method of being killed

3.1. gunshot : 89%

3.2. taser-related : 4%

3.3. death in custody : 4%

3.4. police officers driving vehicles : 3%

4. legal proceedings

4.1. at least 255 deaths were ruled justified

4.2. officers were charged in 18 cases of deaths involving the police

4.3. deadly arrest of Freddie Gray in Baltimore

4.3.1. the attempt of the officer´s prosecuting ended in a mistrial

4.4. in-custody death of Matthew Ajibade

4.4.1. the 2 officers were cleared of manslaughter but convicted of cruelty, perjury and falsifying paperwork

5. killing rate 2015

5.1. total of 1134 deaths

5.2. one in five was unarmed

5.3. one in five fired shots at officers before being killed

5.4. at least 6 innocent bystanders were killed

5.5. 8 officers were killed by people who subsequently died

6. racial distribution

6.1. african american males between the age of 15 and 34 > more than 15%

6.1.1. making up only two percent of the total US population

6.1.2. rate was five times higher than for white males of the same age

6.1.3. every 65th death of a member of this group is comitted by a police officer

6.2. black people in total: 7.13 million

6.3. hispanic/ latinos : 3.48 million

6.4. white people : 2.91 million

6.5. native american : 3.4 million

6.6. Asian/ Pacific Islander : 1.34 million

7. important vocabulary

7.1. disproportionately affecting

7.2. police-involved deaths

7.3. lethal force

7.4. unarmed

7.5. homicide

7.6. comprehensive statistics

7.7. complaint to police

7.8. confrontations woth law enforcement

7.9. mental health crisis

7.10. per-capita rate

7.11. shooting

7.12. mistrial

7.13. manslaughter

7.14. public awareness

7.15. veracity