Seven habits of Successful Studets

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Seven habits of Successful Studets by Mind Map: Seven habits of Successful Studets

1. Passion

1.1. In fact, most college students change their major in the first two years, in the process of discovering their passion.

1.2. Once discovered, this passion can be a source of energy and motivation for academic work.

2. Organization

2.1. There is no one correct way to organize.

2.1.1. Different people need different approaches.

2.2. Even great students end up doing things at the last minute, but they don't leave it until the last minute to start.

2.3. So experiment and find a system that works for you.

3. Talkto Professors

3.1. Students who speak to professors in the first six weeks of school are more likely to stay in college.

3.1.1. Be sure to take the opportunity to start talking to your teachers early in your first semester.

4. Social Support

4.1. Successful students get involved with other people.

4.2. They spend time with their friends and put energy into their important relationships.

4.3. Successful students use formal study groups.

5. Committed

5.1. Successful students commit to doing whatever it takes to be successful.

5.2. Make a commitment to yourself to be successful in all aspects of your college experience.

6. Balance

6.1. Keep your energy maintaining all the important parts of your life.

7. Strategic and Resourceful

7.1. Successful students have the habit of thinking about upcoming demands and taking advantage of available resources.

7.2. It can be strategic to ask for help and there are many services available to help you with any concerns you may have.

7.3. We are all learning