CRANA - eRemote Video Projects

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CRANA - eRemote Video Projects by Mind Map: CRANA - eRemote Video Projects

1. Miscellaneous

1.1. Test webcam video

2. Documents

2.1. Dropbox

2.2. Google Docs

2.3. HowTo use iMovie

3. YouTube

3.1. RPM Training YouTube

3.2. Example Video - Jim

3.3. eRemote Google - YouTube account eremote.crana - - - - - - 01


4.1. OurBiz

5. Staff profile video

5.1. Examples - (not CRANA)

5.1.1. Example Staff Profile VIdeo

5.2. jim on YouTube

5.3. Scripts (googledocs)

6. Chat

6.1. email to Julia - mt Gambier video

7. Mt Gambier video

7.1. first upload to Vimeo

7.2. Example edit of video(s) with Narration and titles (password is jim)

8. eLearning Tools Map

9. Augmented Reality - video over image