Validity and Reliability Importance with learning and assessment
by Joy Fogg
1. Concurrent Related Validity Evidence, according to the test "measures that can be administered at the same time as the measure to be validated" (p.343)
1.1. Content Validity Evidence, established through test questions to whether they correspond to the user decides.
1.2. Predictive Validity Evidence, Kubiszyn & Borich stated that the importance is the "useful and important for aptitude tests" (p.343)
2. Test-Retest Reliability, this test is given twice and there are two set of scores that would determine this assessment/ learning
3. Alternate Forms/Equivalence, both of these forms are administered to determine the set of scores.
4. Kuder-Richardson Methods, measures the items in the forms of the test.
5. Definitions: Content Validity Evidence is established by inspecting test questions to see whether they correspond to what the user decides should be covered by the test Criterion related Validity Evidence - is scores from a test correlated with external criterion Construct Validity Evidence is define a relationship to to other information corresponds well with some theory Test-Retest Reliability is defined as a method of estimating reliability that is exactly what is name implies Alternate Forms/Equivalence is when forms that can be used to obtain an e estimate of the reliability of the score from the test
6. New node
7. Construct Validity Evidence, can be seen through most theory. According to Kubiszyn & Borich, construct can be seen through "Many different type of theories can be used to help determine construct validity evidence" (p.332)
8. Criterion Related Validity Evidence, according to the text is when scores from an assessment or test that has a correlation to external criterion.