Daisy Sunflower (ESS 3)

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Daisy Sunflower (ESS 3) by Mind Map: Daisy Sunflower (ESS 3)

1. Enjoys Food

1.1. Enjoys Cooking Food

1.1.1. Kitchen Hand, Chef/Cook

1.2. Enjoys Tasting Food

1.2.1. Online Review/ Mystery Shopper

1.3. Enjoys the Atmosphere

1.3.1. Events Co-ordinator / Planner

2. Broken Leg

2.1. Ongoing Injury

2.1.1. Limits ability to stand for long

2.1.2. Cannot stand up at all

2.2. Healing Injury

2.2.1. Will make full recovery

2.2.2. Will recover but with ongoing issues

3. Only did Year 10

3.1. Extensive Work History

3.1.1. Same Job for 10 years

3.1.2. Various Short Term Jobs

3.2. Stay at home Mum

3.2.1. Limited exposure to workforce

3.2.2. Worked and cared for children

4. Has anxiety in groups

4.1. Engages well one on one

4.1.1. Listens and responds

4.1.2. Checks out and disengaged

4.2. Easily makes friends, but cautious

4.2.1. Shy and timid

4.2.2. Blends well but is overly needy