Partnership Plan to support student YY

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Partnership Plan to support student YY by Mind Map: Partnership Plan to support student YY

1. Community Supports

1.1. Hospital

1.1.1. Specialized small-groups instructions

1.2. Social Work

1.2.1. Entire family can use counseling

1.3. Psychiatry

1.3.1. Will consider potential medication to alleviate symptoms

1.4. Holland Bloorview

2. Parental Supports

2.1. Communicate with parents regularly

2.2. Ensure parents are aware of triggers

2.3. Make parents aware of community supports

3. School Supports

3.1. Special Education

3.1.1. New IEP

3.1.2. Conference with teachers

3.1.3. Requests for meetings, referrals to specialists

3.2. Guidance

3.2.1. Priority scheduling

3.2.2. Regular check ins

3.3. Extra-curriculars

3.3.1. Reconnect with teams

3.3.2. forced exposure to new activities

4. Classroom Supports

4.1. Classroom Environment

4.1.1. Proximity to teacher

4.1.2. Proximity to friends

4.1.3. Calm space to retreat to

4.1.4. Action plan for emergencies

4.2. Teacher Interventions

4.2.1. Regular Check-in

4.2.2. Scaffolding/chunking

4.2.3. Situational awareness