The Best Labs and CTF - Red Team and PenTest

Some laboratories and CTFs useful for you to develop and improve your skills

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The Best Labs and CTF - Red Team and PenTest 저자: Mind Map: The Best Labs and CTF - Red Team and PenTest

1. OSCP - Vulnhub

1.1. Kioptrix: Level 1

1.2. Kioptrix: Level 1.1

1.3. Kioptrix: Level 1.2

1.4. Kioptrix: Level 1.3

1.5. Kioptrix: 2014:

1.6. FristiLeaks 1.3

1.7. Stapler 1

1.8. VulnOS 2

1.9. SickOs 1.2

1.10. Vulnix

1.11. /dev/random Scream

1.12. pWnOS 2.0

1.13. SkyTower 1

1.14. Mr-Robot 1

1.15. PwnLab

1.16. Lin.Security

1.17. Temple of Doom

1.18. Pinkys Palace v2

1.19. Zico2

1.20. Wintermute

1.21. Tr0ll 1

1.22. Tr0ll 2

1.23. Mr. R3b0t

1.24. Joestar

1.25. Web Developer 1

1.26. SolidState

1.27. Hackme 1

1.28. Escalate_Linux

1.29. DC 6

1.30. DC 9

1.31. Digitalworld.local (Bravery)

1.32. Digitalworld.local (Development)

1.33. Digitalworld.local (Mercy v2)

1.34. Digitalworld.local (JOY)

1.35. Prime 1

1.36. Symfonos 1

1.37. Symfonos 2

1.38. Symfonos 3

1.39. Symfonos 4

1.40. Symfonos 5.2

1.41. Misdirection 1

1.42. Sar 1

1.43. Djinn 1

1.44. EVM 1

1.45. DerpNStink 1

1.46. RickdiculouslyEasy 1

1.47. Tommy Boy 1

1.48. Breach 1

1.49. Breach 2.1

1.50. Breach 3.0.1

1.51. NullByte

1.52. Toppo 1

1.53. W34kn3ss 1

1.54. GoldenEye 1

1.55. Infosec Prep OSCP Box

1.56. LemonSqueezy

1.57. Brainpan 1

1.58. Pinkys Palace v1

1.59. Lord of the root 1.0.1

1.60. Tiki-1

1.61. Healthcare 1

1.62. Photographer 1

1.63. Glasglow 1.1

2. Web Hacking Labs

2.1. DVWA

2.2. Multilidae

2.3. Webgoat

2.4. Juice Shop

2.5. BWAPP

2.6. CTFLearn

2.7. Hack The Box (Web Hacking)

2.8. Try Hack Me (Web Hacking Labs)

2.9. Hack.ME

3. Other Labs

3.1. Metasploitable

3.2. ThisIsLegal – Are You?

3.3. OverTheWire

3.4. Hellbound Hackers

3.5. HackThisSite

3.6. Google Gruyere

3.7. DVIA

3.8. Try Hack Me

3.9. PenTest Labs

3.10. PenTest Academy Labs

3.11. Hackaflag

3.12. Attack-Defense

3.13. Alert to Win

3.14. CTF Komodo Security

3.15. StarsCTF

3.16. CMD Challenge

3.17. SANS Holiday Challenge

3.18. SANS Netwars

3.19. Google CTF

3.20. Exploitation Education

3.21. Defcon CTF

3.22. Hacker 101

3.23. Hacker Security Laboratory

3.24. Immersive Labs

3.25. Labs Wizard Securtiy

3.26. Newbie Contest

3.27. OverTheWire

3.28. Practical PenTest Lab

3.29. Pico CTF

3.30. Root-Me

3.31. Root in Jail

3.32. W3 Challs

3.33. Beco do Exploit

3.34. Lab PenTest Brasil

4. OSCP Linux - Hack The Box

4.1. Lame

4.2. Brainfuck

4.3. Shocker

4.4. Bashed

4.5. Nibbles

4.6. beep

4.7. cronos

4.8. nineveh

4.9. sense

4.10. solidstate

4.11. node

4.12. valentine

4.13. poison

4.14. sunday

4.15. tartarsauce

4.16. Irked

4.17. Friendzone

4.18. Swagshop

4.19. Networked

4.20. jarvis

4.21. Mirai

4.22. Haircut

4.23. Popcorn

4.24. Blocky

4.25. Frolic

4.26. Postman

4.27. Mango

4.28. OpenAdmin

4.29. Magic

4.30. Traverxec

4.31. Tabby

4.32. Doctor

4.33. Blunder

4.34. Admirer

4.35. SneakyMailer

4.36. Kotarak

4.37. Falafel

4.38. DevOps

4.39. Hawk

4.40. LightWeight

4.41. La Casa de Papel

4.42. Jail

4.43. Safe

4.44. Bitlab

4.45. October

4.46. Mango

4.47. Book

4.48. Quick

5. OSCP Windows - Hack The Box

5.1. legacy

5.2. Blue

5.3. Devel

5.4. Optimum

5.5. Bastard

5.6. granny

5.7. Arctic

5.8. grandpa

5.9. silo

5.10. bounty

5.11. jerry

5.12. conceal

5.13. chatterbox

5.14. Forest

5.15. BankRobber

5.16. secnotes

5.17. Bastion

5.18. Buff

5.19. Servmon

5.20. Active

5.21. Remote

5.22. Fuse

5.23. Omni

5.24. Worker

5.25. Jeeves

5.26. Bart

5.27. Tally

5.28. Netmon

5.29. Sizzle

5.30. Sniper

5.31. Control

5.32. Nest

5.33. Sauna

5.34. Cascade

5.35. Querier

5.36. BlackField

6. My LinkedIn: