Google Apps

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Google Apps by Mind Map: Google Apps

1. Dropbox

1.1. Offsite Backup

1.2. Extended File Sharing

2. Office Hardware

2.1. Accounting Software

2.2. Other Non Cloud Software

3. CRM - People Info

3.1. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Etc

3.2. Kids, Family Info

3.3. Involvement, Teams

3.4. Ministry Members

4. MailChimp

4.1. Prayer Updates

4.2. Events

4.3. Other Congregational Info


5.1. Central Church Info

5.2. Ministry Programs Updates

5.3. Public Event Calendars

5.4. Media/Sermons Etc

6. Email

7. Calendars

8. File Sharing

9. Docs

10. Staff

10.1. Pastors

10.2. Admin

10.3. Elders

10.4. Other Leaders and Members