Welcome and opening

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Welcome and opening by Mind Map: Welcome and opening

1. intro by De Rode Draad

1.1. welcome

1.1.1. livestream Johannesburg Sydney Ridderzaal

1.1.2. spreading ideas worth spreading

1.1.3. several simulcast locations

1.1.4. spread ideas at the same moment

1.1.5. a global exiriment

1.2. ideas

1.2.1. please pick up a pencil and paper

1.2.2. 2 best innovations pencil paper create and accomodate in one words review worlds

1.3. question:

1.3.1. If I could change one thing to create a better world, what innovation would that be?

1.4. process

1.4.1. people wrote down ideas

1.4.2. please hand over paper to person behind you

1.4.3. share ideas

2. Jim Stolze

2.1. Binnenhof

2.1.1. top sectors

2.1.2. 400 applications of ideas

2.1.3. braintrust

2.1.4. 440 > 10 ideas

2.2. "It's time for TED, what does that mean? For me, it means it's time for ideas, ideas worth spreading."

3. Maxime Verhagen

3.1. welcome to TEDxBinnenhof

3.2. clash of ideas and interest

3.3. ideas are powerfull

3.4. ideas change history

3.5. Netherlands

3.5.1. windmills were build

3.5.2. land was reclaimed from teh sea

3.5.3. Simon Stevin "Simon Stevin invented windmills. Gives us dry feet."

3.6. traditions

3.6.1. brilliance

3.7. inspiration

3.8. open opportunities

3.9. ideas often stay ideas

3.9.1. beter, put ideas into practise

3.10. NL

3.10.1. taking traditions into account

3.11. we need ideas and compromises

3.12. windmills are build again

3.12.1. wind is a source of renewable energy

3.12.2. take interests into account

3.13. put ideas into practise

3.13.1. take all interest into account

3.13.2. ideals need to be pragmatic

3.14. honored to be host

3.14.1. knighshall

3.14.2. hearth of Dutch politics

3.14.3. exciting ideas

3.14.4. fitting place for todays event

4. Who

4.1. Jim Stolze

4.1.1. licensee of TEDxBinnenhof

4.2. Maxime Verhagen

4.2.1. Deputy Prime Minister

4.2.2. host

5. Intro

5.1. TED2012 remixed: It's Time for TED

6. TEDx introduction video

6.1. Have look on YouTube

7. Innovation video by Minster Rosenthal